Time to Work Together to Defeat Coronavirus
In March 2020, COVID-19 was announced as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (W.H.O.). “We have rung the alarm bell loud and clear,” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the W.H.O.’s director-general.
COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 19) is an infectious disease. It has become a pandemic over the last few weeks and has caused adverse global economic, social, and health impacts. Such an occurrence has reminded us that we are all equal regardless of our gender, age, race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, occupation, social and financial status. Wherever we live and whoever we are, the disease affects us all. Although it arose in China, we are threatened by it everywhere. Therefore, we all must collaborate in controlling its spread.
COVID-19 generally spreads through saliva and nasal discharge when an infected person sneezes or coughs. The symptoms include fever, fatigue, dry cough, aches, pains, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, diarrhea, and respiratory problems. The incubation range for this virus is from 1 to 14 days. Most infected people recover from it within a few weeks. Generally, elders and those with pre-existing illnesses seem to be more vulnerable to the more serious consequences with virus infection. As properly stated by the W.H.O., “young people are not invincible”.
Public health supersedes all other considerations. In the aftermath of 9/11, airports across the world implemented draconian polices to bring terrorism under control considering public safety. Similarly, the global initiative should continue to minimize the further spread of this virus. Governments expeditiously and aggressively must act responsibly in controlling the spread of it. Each person plays a part in the spread, whether in reducing or fanning the flames of the spread. Nations must unite in defeating it. Desperate situations require immediate measures of action.
To protect ourselves, we can take the following steps:
· Stop all travels.
· Practice food safety and hygiene.
· Cough and sneeze into disposable absorbent or into elbow.
· Self-quarantine, if concern for exposure or symptoms.
· Observe social distancing to minimize exposure and spread (6 feet or more).
· Keep hands away from face, head, and neck before they are thoroughly washed.
· Wash hands frequently, using water and soap while lathering for at least 20 seconds. If not available, use alcohol-based rub or hand sanitizer with at least 60-percent alcohol. Then, rub hands until dry.
To kick out coronavirus, W.H.O. recommends the following:
· Washing hands
· Observing coughing etiquette
· Avoiding touching face
· Keeping physical distance
· Staying home
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we may experience fever, cough, and shortness of breath 2-14 days after exposure. And, emergency warning signs for COVID-19 requiring immediate medical attention include, but not limited to:
· Trouble breathing
· Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
· New confusion or inability to arouse
· Bluish lips or face
Let us come together and unite in defeating the virus and properly containing it.
For more information, please visit,
Dr. Mehdi Alavi, President
Peace Worldwide Organization