Peace Worldwide Organization (P.W.O.) is funded by contributors, P.W.O. sponsors, and chapter members. All Contributions of $10,000 or more will be credited unless asked to be anonymous.

Peace Worldwide Organization (P.W.O.) welcomes sponsorship provided that the entity pursues a policy that results in meeting the “Value Added” Test in all of its conduct:
  1. Honest and transparent
  2. Highest ethical standards
  3. Safety, health and environmentally friendly
  4. Respect individuals regardless of sex, race, religion, ethnicity, & nationality
  5. Strive for negotiation over litigation
For more information on sponsorship and/or other inquiries, please contact us at  and /or 832-713-PWO0 (832-713-7960)


All funds from the Chapter Membership are used to support the chapters and their associated training and administrative expenses.
All contributions for a specific purpose are used for that purpose.
All other contributions are used to maintain the P.W.O. operation and expansion.